The State Government has established the Kundal Academy as an autonomous society. The name of the Society is The State Forestry Training Society, Kundal, Tal. Palus, Dist. Sangli, Maharashtra State.

Kundal Academy of Development, Administration and Management (Forest) was established by Government of Maharashtra vide its letter No.Est-2012/Pra.Kra.74/F-9/Mantralaya Mumbai, dated 5th May 2012, upgrading the status of the erstwhile 'Forestry Training School' to 'Kundal Academy of Administration, Development and Management'. This Academy will cater to the training needs of Range Forest Officers (RFOs), Assistant Conservators of Forest (ACFs) and other senior level officers from within and outside the state. The Academy is declared as a 'District Level Training Institute' under State Training Policy of Maharashtra. The Academy will provide mandatory training under State Training Policy Evaluation Agency (STPEA), which comprises of Foundation Training, Refresher Courses, Post-Promotional Courses, and Orientation Courses. Special feature of the Academy is to provide exposure and training of para-sailing, para-gliding, rappelling, rock-climbing, skiing and various field management exercises.


To provide opportunities to develop, upgrade and disseminate Knowledge, experience and expertise and to develop a “Knowledge bank” to cater to stakeholders in the Natural Resource Management Sector.

To conduct mandatory training course of Range Forest Officers as per curriculum and guidelines approved by Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India.

To assist, collaborate and organize training programs and research in various Natural Resource Management related subjects, including the fields of development and administration dependent on natural resources besides human resource development. This would also include induction level & refresher courses for the field level officers and staff of the Forest Department.

To motivate and equip technically Forest Guards & other Frontline staff with the latest policy guidelines, programs and laws related to forest conservation, regeneration of forests, wildlife management and participatory management.

To develop adequate infrastructure to impart and assist more effective trainings, consultancies, research and development programs, extension activity, monitoring and evaluation of various programs of the forestry sector, for staff and officers of all departments of the State Government.

To develop and promote special areas of interest in Joint / Community Forest Management, Rural Development, Community participation with special reference to tribal and other forest dependent communities ;.

To develop and promote information Technology, especially in the areas of Geometrics, Remote Sensing, use of GPS, Management Information Systems based on latest technologies;

To conduct outreach programs for the people and people representatives to promote awareness about conservation of forests.

To develop managerial skills, organizational capability, Leadership and decision making ability for development planning and efficiency in implementation of policies, programs and projects of the forest department.

To facilitate Environment Impact Assessment studies.

To collaborate with UGC approved Universities through necessary Memorandums of Understandings for conducting courses and carrying out projects on Environment and Forest related issues.

To Act as the Apex Society for Forestry training in the State.

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Apex Training Institute

Kundal Academy of Development, Administration and Management is an Apex Training Institute for the Forest Dept, Govt. of Maharashtra. This is the 5th Forest Academy of India, catering to the training needs of State Services Forest Officers of Western India

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Consultancy Centre

Established for providing consultancy services to various Forestry projects, like preparation of FCA proposals, EIA reports, Agro-Forestry, cultivation of medicinal plants, organic farming, evaluation of plantation schemes, and similar other services.

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Management Development Centre (MDC) is created for providing training courses related to various managerial aspects of Administration. Training programs offered by MDC include RGPSA training, ICT, Office Procedure, Court Procedure, and Forest Laws.

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Certification Centre

This Training Institute provides support for Certification and training programs for Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees Act, 1975 and corresponding Rules framed in 2009. Similarly, it provides training for snake handling.